From AI to Business, We provide for you
AI Conversational Human 2.0
combines the strengths of cross & multi modal technologies to envision a more advanced artificial intelligence system.
Business Intelligence 2.0
cutting-edge API server platform designed to seamlessly integrate LLM (Large Language Models) with legacy systems
Social Intelligence 2.0
technology that automates and personalizes customer interactions over the phone using artificial intelligence and WebRTC.
Brand Performance Intelligence 2.0
combines the strengths of cross & multi modal technologies to envision a more advanced artificial intelligence system.
Lead Intelligence 2.0
cutting-edge API server platform designed to seamlessly integrate LLM (Large Language Models) with legacy systems
AI Unified Messaging 2.0
technology that automates and personalizes customer interactions over the phone using artificial intelligence and WebRTC.
AI precisely performs the reliable collection and processing of social media data related to brands, products, and customers,
as well as global trade data and e-commerce data.
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Top-10 Global sLLM !
링크브릭스 호라이즌 에이아이, 글로벌 리더보드 첫 톱 10…“에이전트 개발 가능한 플랫폼 개발” 국내 스타트업이 오랜만에 글로벌 대형언어모델(LLM) 리더보드에서 상위권...

No-1 Japanese sLLM !
링크브릭스 sLLM, 일본어 sLLM 리더보드에서도 최종 1위 달성 링크브릭스가 개발한 거대언어모델(LLM) 개발 도구(빌더)인 ‘호라이즌 AI’ 플랫폼을 통...

No-1 Korean sLLM !
링크브릭스 sLLM, 한국어 sLLM 리더보드 1위 달성 링크브릭스가 개발한 거대언어모델(LLM) 개발 빌더인 ‘호라이즌 AI’ 플랫폼을 통해 만든 한국어 경...